Technology is the backbone that powers all components of the model.
Shout’s innovative, client-centric technology is the backbone that powers Shout’s approach, making our demand generation and health and well-being service offering accessible and relevant to our clients. Shout’s technology is custom-built and consists of multiple integrated systems, apps and chatbots, each specifically designed to deliver value for the client and/or the service provider. Shout’s tech environment also provides Shout with real-time data for evidence-based decision-making, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of our service delivery.
How it all works:
The hub of our tech environment is SMART 2.0, our electronic clinical management system. Each of our mobile clinics operate on SMART 2.0 and are fully networked to a POPIA-compliant central database, which allows any client’s records to be accessed by appropriate staff at any mobile clinic, any time. Linked to SMART 2.0, are SNowI 2, ShoutLink, iSHOUT! and Chomi. SNowI 2 is our follow up case management system which receives patient data from SMART 2.0 and automatically creates cases for those clients who need follow up services. ShoutLink is our custom-designed and built app that is used by staff implementing the behavioural programs, which provides a seamless experience as clients are layered between the behavioural programs and biomedical services. Our other two digital tools, iSHOUT! and Chomi, are both client-led virtual support services, meaning they are resources available to our clients at any time, equipping our clients with options, for both information and service delivery entry points.
Operating hours : Monday to Friday 08:30am to 16:30pm
Please use the map to find our mobile clinics
Should you wish to pre-book your appointment please WhatsApp our Connect Hub on 087 135 8989
SMART 2.0 is our custom-built electronic clinical management system that allows us to provide:
SNowI 2 is our custom-built system which is used by our Connect Hub (call center) to deliver:
A custom designed and built service provider app which delivers seamless tracking of each clients’ service journey, across behavioural programs and biomedical services and multiple service providers.
Features Include:
Exclusive Eyakho Mo’ghel members-only data-free mobile app
iSHOUT! is a data-free, client-facing app filled with youth-relevant features which allow clients to self-explore and navigate through information and options on their own terms. Features include: service locator, FAQs on a range of health-related topics, aappointment requests and reminders.
Features include:
• Service locator for AGYW-relevant service providers
• FAQs on a range of health-related topics
• Eyakho Mo’ghel points tracking and marketplace
• Links to relevant external information
• Appointment requests and reminders for PrEP, HTS and SRH
• Event calendar for location specific, AGYW-relevant events
• Chat forums, supported by weekly messaging
• Client surveys to continuously seek feedback from clients
• Economic strengthening resources and opportunities
Chomi is a WhatsApp-based multilingual GBV chatbot, which is accessible in four languages, including English, isiZulu, SeTswana and isiXhosa. Chomi is designed to address fundamental barriers that survivors face including fear, a perceived lack of options and misplaced guilt, blame and shame. Chomi empowers people with information, access and options, anonymously and without judgement, thus increasing the likelihood that a person will seek health and support services when s/he is ready. If an individual chooses to connect to support services, s/he will either be directed to Shout social workers or national 24/7 hotlines.
The chat bot contains over 640 unique messages across nine different content streams, for each language.
The nine content streams are:
-Emergency assistance
-GBV information and FAQs
-Reporting violence
-What to do if I have been raped?
-Counselling support
-Legal assistance
-Safety planning
-Women’s shelters
-Connect to support services
Chomi can be reached any time on +27 82 229 6251.
Launched in August of 2022, 1,487 people have accessed Chomi in its first year. Of those individuals, 567 people, 38%, have requested to connect to support services.